Thursday, March 24, 2011

Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery -- Knotting More; Knotting Less

Beginning and Ending Knots:
   Any and all comments by fellow stitchers are welcome; this is just what works for me...

To start - point the tip of the floss to the tip of the needle (one in each hand). Grasp the tip of the floss with the hand holding the needle and wrap it around the needle 2-3 times (this is a quilter's knot - probably diagrammed online somewhere, definitely on YouTube via Google online search). Pull the needle through. Moisten the knot (this tightens the rayon). Then fray out the floss on the other (short) side of the knot. ...and then start stitching.
     Here's something to help you remember, something I heard at a quilt show one time:

   This is the Sneaky Snake (wiggle the floss).
   This is the Silver Rat (point the needle to the floss).
   See the Sneaky Snake wrap itself around the Silver Rat  
         (wrap the needle with the floss).
   .... And swallow it whole! (pull the needle through).

[and I really wish I could remember which quilt instructor told us that, because I would definitely give her credit!]

To end - On the back side of your embroidery, slip the needle under 2-3 threads, wrap the needle again (counterclockwise so the Z-twist rayon floss unwinds itself or 'flattens out' the plies) just once or twice. Pull the needle through and tighten the knot, moisten, cut floss. If you fray out the floss, you don't need to have a long floss tail on the back.

Another ending (one I often do, but probably not recommended for wearable items that might be laundered often): Slip the floss beneath some stitching on the back side and weave one direction and then back another direction. This will also secure the floss nicely.

The BDEIG (Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery International Guild, Inc.) website has a "Fair Judging Recommendations" page up that explains more about knotting B.E. See the section on Worksmanship on Page 3-4.

I have an earlier entry on this blog (even with a photo) about the back side of Brazilian embroidery. It's not SUPPOSED to be nice and neat, like traditional embroidery with cotton.
      This is what works for me; but others might have other suggestions that also work just as nicely.

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