Thursday, March 22, 2012

Do I Doodle? 'Deed, I Do . . .

This idea for doodling stitches on our doodle cloths for Brazilian dimensional embroidery is entirely TOO good to not share!
Yesterday morning I was at JoAnn stores (one of them). They always have upholstery fabric samples. Some are current and some are discontinued and in a bin or separate table, clearanced to go. They are 18" x 18" and are marked down to $2.00 each (and my 40% coupon worked on one of them), and all edges are serged. Besides being useful for doodle cloths, the fabric samples are also perfect for pillows.

I picked up the two prints because they were pretty. I thought about cutting them apart for crazy quilting. Then I saw the solids, slightly heavier. There are 10 diamond patterns vertically and horizontally. I'm going to start in the middle and stitch a flower. Then I will add more.  I'll post pictures as I'm working. The fabric is heavy enough that I don't need a hoop.

I just wanted to share this great idea with all of you.  By the way, I photographed the fabric pieces on my cutting mat (for a nice background). I just turned it over to avoid having grid marks on the photo.

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